Saturday, December 1, 2012

School of Hard Rocks

Essie - School of Hard Rocks

This color is really great. Its a shade of teal with grey undertones. The picture definitely doesn't do it justice. Its really versatile and I think goes great with the gloomy weather we've been having the past few days. Hopefully with the break coming up really soon I can start maintaining my nails a lot more! Enjoy the weather. Stay inside, curl up in a blanket with some hot cocoa and paint your nails interwebs!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Demure Vix

Essie - Demure Vix

Hellooooooooo intertubes!!

School has been super demanding lately so my nails have been looking a little haggard and not worthy of your graces.

Anyways, this color is such a pretty neutral color. It has a slight pink shimmer undertone to it which gives it a little girly touch. The only downside is that this color is so light that I had to use 4 coats for it to cover the whites of my nail.

Have a great Thanksgiving intertubes!!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dulce De Leche

OPI - Dulce De Leche
OPI - Servin' Up Sparkle

This Dulce De Leche color is really similar to OPI's Tickle Me Francey. I think it has a little bit of a peachier tone to it than Tickle Me Francey but I really like this neutral color. OPI's brushes has to be my favorite. They're flat and you can pretty much cover the entire nail in around three strokes. This is two coats. I, of course, did my accent nail with Servin' Up Sparkle again. I didn't put this on in globs but instead put on three coats on top of one coat of Dulce De Leche.

Monday, October 29, 2012


Chanel - Pirate

I purchased this polish last holiday season because it seemed like the perfect holiday red. Unfortunately, the red is blue-based, which is why I don't necessarily love the color with my warm skin tone. The formula is jellyish and a bit difficult to apply.

In the picture I applied two coats and while it looked nice right after application, the color began to look a bit uneven after a few hours. The color probably requires more coats to achieve a more uniform finish.

This my not be one of my favorite polishes but it definitely looks great in my collection!

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Essie - Chinchilly

In honor of being a hamster for Halloween, I decided to use this light grey color. The color is so light that I had to actually use three coats instead of my normal two. I probably could have gotten away with two but wanted to make sure that there wasn't any lighter spots. My experience with lighter colors is that they tend to be a little bit thicker in their formula but Essie does a great job keeping their formulas consistent regardless the color. Me gusta!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fifth Avenue

China Glaze - Fifth Avenue
China Glaze - United

I've always been a fan of China Glaze. They have great colors, a good formula, and I have no complaints about their brushes. Also, China Glaze was the first brand that I really started to collect so I have some emotional attachment to the brand. =]

Fifth Avenue is a deep rosy pink color from the Creme Couture collection and the accent nail is United, a pigmented pink shimmer from the BCA collection. I only put two coats of Fifth Avenue but for the accent nail, I put one coat of Fifth Avenue before putting two coats of United on. The glitter is really small and its pigmented enough to be used on its own.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

You Only Live Twice

OPI - You Only Live Twice

This gorgeous red shimmer is part of the OPI Skyfall collection. Out of the set this is one of my favorites! The photograph does not do the polish justice as you cannot see the shimmer.

I applied two coats but feel like three would have been the optimal amount of coats for this particular polish.

You Only Live Twice will be a great polish for the upcoming holiday season!