Thursday, November 22, 2012

Demure Vix

Essie - Demure Vix

Hellooooooooo intertubes!!

School has been super demanding lately so my nails have been looking a little haggard and not worthy of your graces.

Anyways, this color is such a pretty neutral color. It has a slight pink shimmer undertone to it which gives it a little girly touch. The only downside is that this color is so light that I had to use 4 coats for it to cover the whites of my nail.

Have a great Thanksgiving intertubes!!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dulce De Leche

OPI - Dulce De Leche
OPI - Servin' Up Sparkle

This Dulce De Leche color is really similar to OPI's Tickle Me Francey. I think it has a little bit of a peachier tone to it than Tickle Me Francey but I really like this neutral color. OPI's brushes has to be my favorite. They're flat and you can pretty much cover the entire nail in around three strokes. This is two coats. I, of course, did my accent nail with Servin' Up Sparkle again. I didn't put this on in globs but instead put on three coats on top of one coat of Dulce De Leche.